ACS Leadership Development Undergraduate Award

Award at a Glance

Category Professional Development,  Travel
DeadlineOctober 20, 2023
Apply now


To provide support to undergraduate students to attend the ACS Leadership Development Institute.


Up to 15 undergraduate students who have demonstrated leadership skills within their student chapter will be selected to participate in the ACS Leadership Institute.  Awardees will have the opportunity to take leadership development cources, learn about resources, and make valuable connections with the ACS Board of Directors, Local Section and Technical Division leaders, and the Younger Chemists Committee (YCC).

The award covers registration fees, transportation, lodging and meals associated with participation in the annual ACS Leadership Institute. Students who attend will have an additional opportunity to become student liaison to the Undergraduate Student Advisory Board and further their leadership experience.


Applicants must:

  • Have completed >1 year towards an undergraduate degree in the chemical sciences
  • Plan to graduate in Spring 2025 or later
  • Be a current ACS undergraduate student member with a premium package membership
  • Be a current or past officer of an active ACS student chapter

Application requirements

Applicants will need to provide

  • Contact information
  • Chapter information
  • Cover letter describing how they will use the award to grow professionally and develop their chapter
  • Resume
  • Letter of recommendation from their student chapter faculty advisor

Access the application form.


Sponsored by the Society Committee on Education Undergraduate Student Advisory Board

Contact Information

Please contact with any questions.

Related Opportunities

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  • ACS Bridge Project Travel & Professional Development Award Supporting registration and travel costs for underrepresented students to attend the ACS Meeting or other career and professional development event.

  • CTA Leadership Development System Course Award Supporting leadership development of a chemical technician or chemist by covering the cost of an ACS Leadership Development System course at an ACS Meeting.